Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Labor union trend

I would begin this paper with a definition of what labor union is. According to my source, MSN Encarta, a labor union is an â€Å"association of workers that seeks to improve the economic and social well-being of its members through group action.† Basically, labor union is a group formed by workers to protect their rights and interests from the company from which they are a part. Of course the demand a union may ask may vary from one company to another. However, some of the usual line a union usually asks for its members includes provision of benefits for its members. So what does provision of benefits entail? From the word itself it aims to ensure benefits for its member. Such benefits may include assurance against unemployment of an employee, health benefits in case of sickness, insurance for injury and the like. In most countries, the state assures that the employees get such and such benefits. Another common theme from different unions is their way of negotiating for a higher salary once they find the need to have a higher salary from before. The term used for the said negotiation is collective bargaining. Another common term between unions is industrial action. In industrial action the workers may decide to organize strikes when the company they are in decides not to meet their demands. Moving on, there is said to be two different and thus at odds views in terms of trade unions. The first one is restrictive and thus the only members they accept are those whose line of work or expertise is the same as theirs. The second one aims to unite all workers to better the state of affairs on their working field. Of the two views I think that the second one is more likely to achieve their ends as compared to the first one. I said that because should a revolution be needed in order for things to happen their way then they can win by numbers alone. However, I think that the first one is more likely to share stronger ties than the second one on the basis that since they are restrictive and accept only their own, then understanding each other would be no hard task. Surely since they share more things in common then each one is more likely to understand each others pain and the drive to pursue their goals would be more fiery than that of the second one. Now, unions may seem to be very common nowadays but for many years unions are considered illegal in most countries. However, through time, regardless of the efforts put upon by employers in order for union organizations to fail, the voice of the workers prevailed. There are many unions formed nationwide and the question to be asked is whether global scale union differs in anyway from that of national scale. As an answer, the American Federation of Labor (AFL), founded by Samuel Gompers, aims to form a â€Å"pure and simple† unionism that gives prime importance to collective bargaining in order to reach their goals. The AFL is an example of a union in a nationwide scale. Now, union structures, politics and the like vary from one country to another. Unions may be organized into three kinds, craft unionism, general unionism, and industrial unionism. The said unions are usually separated into locals and then they would eventually be fused together into national federations. The said federations would then join the forces of international unions like the International Union Trade Confederation. I think one difference unions in national scale may have from those of international scale is that the demands of the unions in the national scale, though not completely alike in every way to that of other unions within a certain country, their differences is not so far-off to the point the they would fail to meet in the middle. Unions on the international scale on the other hand could be very different from country to country that the hope to reach a compromise may not be possible. For example, in Germany the only form of union which they consider to be legal are open shop unions wherein such is not the case on other countries. As another example, unions in the United States, unlike from other countries, gives primary importance for collective bargaining to better their salary or even to represent members of their unions should the management decides to violate one of their rights. On other countries the focus of their unions is different from that of the United States. However there are still global trade unions that aim to bridge the gap of different unions from one country to another, such unions is World Federation of Trade Unions. I think that the major role unions’ play in our society today is to protect the right of the workers. Unions assure that the workers are not cheated out of their salary, benefits and the like. I think it is a good thing that the workers decided to get together to get what is their due. Having successful unions on our society today made me think about the line Marx used decades ago, â€Å"all workers unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains†. Surely, what Marx said held true to our society today. And though the Marxists goal is not entirely complete I can say that at least some of their goal came into being such as the getting together of workers which can be seen in different kind of unions nowadays. However, there are still criticisms thrown upon labor unions. Some critics claim that the aim of unions is simply to benefit the workers inside the company even at the expense of the â€Å"outsider workers†, consumers, and the stockholders. These critics argue that unions put those who are unemployed more unlikely to get a job. As for my opinion, I believe that there is some truth in what these critics have in mind. However, such things could be resolved by peaceful talks regarding the things both parties supports. I also believe that the government can address such problems such as unemployment by assuring that every citizen gets employed without any discrimination. As to the fact that there are workers who cannot get the line of work they want then I say that such things are facts of life. Nobody really gets what s/he wants every time. I believe that if one works hard for that thing s/he wants then eventually s/he would be able to attain his or her goal. Thus, they should keep the blame away from labor unions regarding things of that sort. Reference:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human and Utilitarianism Essay

Let me begin by defining Utilitarianism: utilitarianism is the belief of doing what is right for the greater number of people. It is a theory used to determine the usefulness of the happiest outcome and how it will affect everyone else. Now, this sounds like a amazing theory, what would be better than making yourself and others happy? I found myself at first agreeing with this theory up until I really looked into it. At first I found myself thinking that not everything is about being happy; some may have to suffer for the happiness of others. For example, there were two boats one contains three criminals on death row being transported to prison and the other boat contains ten happy, loving families simply enjoying a vacation. Both ships have bombs that will go off in a matter of seconds, blowing up both ships and killing everyone. However, there is a solution. I for some odd reason have a device that sets off a bomb on ONE SHIP and deactivates the other. Now the morally right thing to do would be what? What is moral and right? Taking lives? Or saving them? I do not believe in ‘playing God’ or taking lives. I would simply ignore the Utilitarianism way of thinking and walk away. I would let nature take its course. If God has arranged this to happen, then it is meant to happen. Who am I to walk in and ‘play God’ ? I have to say I agree with Hospers when he says â€Å"A hundred men might gain great pleasure from beating up or killing just one Insignificant human being; but other men’s lives are not theirs to dispose of. † (Hospers) A Utilitarian would approach this situation by asking himself/herself, what will bring happiness? What will do good for greater numbers of people? Why should the prisoners get to live? There are only three prisoners, and have done nothing good but cause harm to society. What have these families done? The Utilitarian will start to analyze each detail of the situation. They first see that there are only three prisoners as opposed to ten large families. Hence, there are less people on the prisoners boat. Then he/she will see that the prisoners have already been sentenced to death, all being on death row. However, the main point will be that these are three bad men. Doing bad things, and causing pain and sorrow to others. Why should ten happy families be punished for their wrong doings? The Utilitarian would settle for simply deactivating the bomb on the prisoners boat. Believing that killing them will bring greater good and happiness to all. My argument to this is a human life is a human life; what if one of those men are actually innocent and were convicted for a crime he didn’t commit? What if the other criminal was to be released in the morning and go home to a family of eight children and a loving wife? Truth is we don’t know. Utilitarianism fails to acknowledge that a life is a life- we are not suppose to be playing God. We don’t decide who lives and who dies, even if it is for the greater good. We should just let nature run its course. Utilitarianism is a theory of always choosing pleasure over pain for the greater good of all. I believe that I have kept a closed mind towards Utilitarianism. The prisoners are already on death row, which means they are going to die for the evil they have set loose on our world. Why should I sacrifice the lives of innocent families, for a couple of men that have caused unhappiness to all? I want to reach happiness, as does everyone else in the world. I mean does the world function over what the greater good for all is? Is that why we have soldiers in Iraq sacrificing their lives for the greater good of America? Maybe I have just overlooked all the positive outcomes of Utilitarianism. I find myself agreeing with a lot of what it has to say. I want happiness, I want innocent lives to be saved, and I want to strive for the greater good of all. I find it interesting how easy it is to fall into the comfort of Utilitarianism. It goes along with my morals and values and yet I still feel a sort of guilt. If I were to deactivate the bomb on the ship with the families and let the prisoners die, I would still be taking a human life. In my religion (Catholicism), a life is a life. We must forgive sinners and those who have sinned against us. But if these prisoners are on death row†¦were they already destined to die? Would that already be in God’s plan? Was it God who sacrificed his only son for all of us sinners? I feel in a way that makes God himself a follower of utilitarianism. He set the example of offering his only son for our sins, to open the gates of heaven for everyone. Yet one of the Ten Commandments is â€Å"Thou shall not kill. † Is that not hypocritical? As I keep analyzing this situation I realize that God is God. He decides who lives and who dies, not us. I feel that it’s hard to stick to my morals when hearing the theory of Utilitarianism. Allowing someone to die at my hand for the greater good, for happiness of others. That just sounds selfish to me, kind of like the holocaust. Did all those innocent Jews endure experimentation and torture for the greater good of all? I mean, if it weren’t for these grotesque experiments we wouldn’t know the maximum altitude that crews in damaged planes can parachute safely to the ground or find the cure/treatment for hypothermia. The Jews were used as guinea pigs for the greater good of everyone else. Is that not Utilitarianism? So many people could have died of hypothermia if that experiment was never conducted. But how many innocent lives were lost to reach this conclusion? Is there a limit to how much sacrifice should be made for the greater good? There should be. This is where I cannot connect with Utilitarianism, the fact that some sort of evil has to be done to help others. I see hypocrisy in this theory; it wants happiness but wants to rule out evil. People are evil, mean and rude. No one can be happy all the time; no one can bring eternal happiness. This takes me back to my original example, who would I save? The prisoners on death row or the innocent families? The Utilitarian’s seem to have a more interesting argument. Its funny how by writing this paper, my views changed. I look at the situation differently now. I do not feel as biased and conservative as before. My ideas have changed to a more liberal understanding sense. Why release these evil me back into the world? We have enough chaos and evil. These are just three men who chose their paths and now have to pay for it. They were sentenced to death for a reason, I will not be held responsible for the innocence of happy families, children, parents, aunts and uncles. They are not in prison because they have not done anything wrong. They simply stepped onto a ship, whose fate I now hold in my hands. I have made my choice; I will deactivate the bomb on the families boat and let the prisoners face death.

Monday, July 29, 2019

12 Hour Shifts in Nursing

7 October 2011 Effects on Nurses Working Long Hours Patients in a hospital and/or healthcare facilities have to be cared for all day and all night, everyday of the week by nurses. The usual way to fulfill this need is to divide up the day into three 8-hour shifts. Different shifts have been put into place to help improve nurse satisfaction, decrease the nursing shortage and save the hospital money. The 24-hour day is made up of two 12-hour shifts; 12 hours in the day and 12 hours at night. There has been quite an ongoing debate over the years regarding this issue of nurses working over 8 hours in a single day. Many people, such as hospital nursing administrators, have reason to believe that working long hour shifts causes more errors in the workplace due to fatigue and irregular sleep schedules. Along with these reasons and other beliefs, 12-hour shifts in nursing should be revoked. The risks outweigh the benefits for extended hour shifts in hospitals and/or healthcare facilities, for both the patients and nurses. Nurses who work 12 or more hours in a single shift put at risk the health of themselves along with the health of the patients who they are treating. Working extended shifts causes fatigue, stress and lack of productivity. Errors are most common in nurses who are fatigued from working long and grueling hours. It is estimated 1. 3 million health care errors occur each year and of those errors 48,000 to 98,000 result in patient deaths. Many of these errors lead to malpractice suits and thousands of dollars lost (Keller, 497). This proves that working long hours in a health care environment will make nurses more prone to making error that may lead to patient death. Patient death is what the hospital and faculty members are trying to avoid, revoking long hour shifts seems like a proper way to start. As for the health of the nurse, nurses who work long hours are affecting their health in many ways. Some health problems that may occur in nurses are sleep problems, listlessness, and unable to think clearly. According to The American Heart Association, shift workers are inclined to drink more caffeinated beverages such as, coffee and energy drinks, smoke, and exercise less often. Along with these problems, working shifts and extended hours interfere with the body’s natural circadian rhythm, especially if working night shift. Human beings are designed to work during the daylight, not at night. â€Å"Symptoms of fatigue can include muscle weakness, lethargy, inability to think clearly or concentrate, listlessness, decreased cognitive function, anxiety, and exhaustion† (Keller, 499). This would not be acceptable for the high demands of nursing. Nurses need to be able to think clearly and stay sharp to make flash decisions incase the patients health rapidly decreases. If they are tired, they may lose this capability. Nurses also have to be able to work in high-pressure situations. If anxiety were a symptom of fatigue, this would jeopardize both the nurses and the patients. The nurse may lose her job for working while fatigued, and the patient may lose their life for not having proper care. Todays nurses would most likely oppose this argument. Most of todays nurses work long 12-hour shifts and favor them than five eight-hour shifts. They prefer working three 12-hour shifts, and then having four days off in a week. Nurses who work this shift can take a couple vacation days or sick days and be off for weeks at a time. They believe that working these long hour shifts do not affect their ability to care for patients, because they can drink coffee or soda and can take a nap on their lunch breaks. This argument may seem plausible, but reality is that these are only temporary fixes and may feel even more exhausted than before. In addition, during the four days they have off, they may feel weak and dazed so they will not be able to work a second part-time job if wanted or be with their loved-ones. After working that many hours in such a short period of time, they would need those four days off to compensate for the hard work they just endured. Health care administrators argue that having only two shifts a day (day and night) will help improve patient care because there would only be two nurses who would take care of a patient during a 24-hour shift. But still, it takes more hired nurses to fill a weeks schedule to accommodate each 12 hour shift is covered because a nurse can only work so many hours in a week. Annette Richardson claims that nurses who work extended hour shifts will be less productive during the last 2 to 3 hours of their shift. Signs of nurses being unproductive are; if he/she is taking a longer time to be with a patient than necessary, not completing patient charts and not being thorough on reports (Carson, 830). Nursing administration is there to help make patients and nurses happy and healthy. Health care administration wants the most work productivity as possible, and with having the last 3 hours of a nurses shift being unproductive will diminish that goal. Studies have shown that the most productive work schedule is working an eight-hour shift because it has the least number of errors due to workers fatigue and exhaustion. Nurses who also work long hour shifts may experience work ‘burnout’. A Burnout is a form of chronic stress related to ones job. Burnout occur most frequently in nurses who work long hours in high stress areas, such as critical care, oncology, or burn units. Symptoms of burnouts include fatigue, frequent colds, headaches, and insomnia. Mental symptoms may include decreased ability to solve problems and unwillingness to face problems and change. Nurses who suffer from burnout may quit their job or change jobs outside of the nursing profession. This causes shortages, which is currently a big issue in todays world. Not enough people are interested in the nursing career because of the high burnout rate. Linda Wilson was burning out because she worked the 3pm to 11pm shift in the critical care unit. The hospital was understaffed and had a lot of overtime. She barely got five hours a sleep a night (Ellis, 599). This proves that working too many extended hours a week with not enough sleep will cause burnout that leads to lost jobs. Lost jobs makes the shortage of nurses even higher and affecting patient care by not having enough nurses necessary to provide proper care and support to their patient during their stay. Overall, long hour shifts in nursing may have its pluses such as, a four-day weekend to be home with their loved-ones, but it also has its negative effects. Extended shifts may causes nurses to make errors while working from a lack of sleep and fatigue. This may end up in patient death or malpractice, which is the opposite of what nurses, and administrators are there to do. 12-hour days will eventually cause harm to him/herself because our bodies are not meant to work long and grueling hours because fatigue disrupts their ability to think clearly and quickly and may cause stress. With all of these going against them, they might get burned out and decide to quit or change jobs. An abundance of burnouts will create a larger nursing shortage than there already is, making the whole situation worse. I believe working 8-hours a day with three total shifts to make up a 24 hour day is the best way for both the nurses and the patients sake. It will reduce the amount of errors made do to fatigue and it will increase productivity in the workplace because nurses would not be affected by exhaustion. Works Cited

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Time to tame the targeted tax tinkering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Time to tame the targeted tax tinkering - Essay Example Besides, he feels that the government fails to account for the use of the high tax revenue in its social responsibilities. There are no significant social changes that would be expected from the high profit that the government acquires from the tax system. To this point, he argues that there is need to contain this problem by revising tax policy to ensure that the liability is reduced and that the government uses tax income in an effective manner. The argument of the author is that the federal tax system needs immediate attention if it has to achieve the intended changes within the society. Simpson (2014) finds a number of issues in the development of federal tax structure. Firstly, he criticizes federal tax structure that has little breaks designed to target different classes of people. The finance minister in the country is proud of a tax system that uses too much capital in collection of tax. He feels that it would be wise for the government to use the money used in tax collection to lower the income tax. Secondly, he raises concern on the government’s reforms that have shifted tax from the consumer to income earners. While he recognizes that these changes have come as a result of the urge of the government to create better tax policies, he finds that such structures ignore the principles of a sound tax policy. In his view, such tax policies are discriminative and lack credibility due to their favoritism. Developing tax policies that target classes treats the same people differently, which is against the principles of a sound tax system (Simpson, 2014). There fore, he feels that there is need to reform the tax policies to ensure that they are fair to all the members of the public and to ensure that equal income earners are treated in the same way. Next, the article presents another weakness in the federal tax system in the US. The author recognizes that a tax system is one of the mechanisms that the government uses to close the wealth gap in the

Workforce Divesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Workforce Divesity - Essay Example There is always cooperation between the employees. They have fun together and try to help that are in need. b. In IBM work force diversity being properly maintained great technologies and people from different walks of life are able to work together and could able to exchange mutual understanding. Work force diversity is having tremendous impact on cities. Cities are transforming into great industrial belts. As the industries grow there will be visible impact on the economy. Job opportunities grow and innumerable colonies are developed. The growth is multifold and the technology exchange migration takes place. All this is possible only when work force diversity is properly maintained. And this is being properly maintained and hence there is so much development in all the fields for example take the IT industry and the HR field which is the key area where the work force diversity has to be maintained and that too healthy. c. People of different cultures migrate to different cities in search of work. Different nations of people live in one city, like in New York representing unity in diversity with so many cultures and traditional values. Different languages are spoken. ... The technology is no more permitted, limited to a particular part of the world. It is exchanged in order to serve the public with the latest technology. The globe is no bigger. Work force diversity represents a single economy. Single technology, efficiency and quality of life should be of high standard. Because of work force diversity there is conspicuous change with the social life industries. One shall meat and come across different rest of different nationals represent at one place. Different sets of different nationals represent diversified cultures; different languages are spoken at one and the same place, and at one and the same time. They come to know each other from a closer proximity. The intimacies develop; relationships pave way for greater understanding. The social pavilion of life is set to rolling. Broader outlook develop into more knowledgeable and understanding environment. There will be a great impact on the urban sociology patterns of life. d. May be the chief architect of the work force diversity to take enormous pairs to create and design the super structure of the third world. Work force diversity has its own effects on every aspects of technology. Work force diversity has changed the way urban socialist use to link and express their thoughts. Of course wealth is also acting as a catalyst for the change in the thinking and living of the urban individuals. The new meaning of work force diversity is slowly changing, to be more precise it is altering the essence of socialist thinking. 3. a. For this assignment I get to some the top HR managers of the company and could learn a lot from them, they were equally busy but were also helping. The best part of the work force

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Agency's law and ethics of hiring a diverse workforce Essay

Agency's law and ethics of hiring a diverse workforce - Essay Example This paper analyses the various laws that regulate personnel management at UCSIS. It also analyzes a case law that was solved out of a dispute in relation to the rights of an employee. The case law under consideration is applicable to the management of personnel at UCSIS. According to this law, it is illegal for any individual to hire or recruit unauthorized immigrants, and it requires employers to verify the immigration status of its employees. This law directly affects the personnel management of USCIS because it establishes the guideline in which any agency within United States of America can employ people. On this basis, USCIS cannot employ anybody whose immigration status is not valid as according to the laws of America. If USCIS violates this law, dangers are that it will be fined approximately $ 10,000 of fine (Doak, 2012) . Another law that will affect the operations of personnel management of the agency is the worker adjustment, and retention notifying act. According to this law, employers with more than 100 employees must provide a sixty day notice in case they plan to conduct a mass lay off, or there is an intention of closing a plant. On this basis, this law directly affects USCIS because it has an employee base of more than 100 employees. Offices of USCIS are stationed in almost all the states of the country, and some selected embassies around the world. On this basis, in case the organization intends to lay off its employees it must notify them at least for a period of sixty days.A case law that defines how workers and employees should relate is the 1994 case law on Waters vs. Churchill. This was a case that concerned itself with the first amendment on the rights of public employees within a work place. According to this case, the Supreme Court held that if an employee of a organization engages in a manner that will threaten and disrupt the activities of an organization, then the given organization has a right to dismiss the named employee. In thi s case, a nurse was dismissed for uttering contents that the hospital under consideration believed would affect its operations (Tischauser, 2012). The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the hospital, denoting that if Churchill had uttered words that would affect the operations of the hospital, then the hospital had a right to dismiss Churchill. On this basis, the Supreme Court referred the cases back to the lower courts so that they may interpret what Churchill exactly said. Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practice: The organization has enacted programs whose main aim is to facilitate the recruitment of a diverse workforce, as well as a high caliber of employees. This is a strategic priority within USCIS because of the benefits that comes with employing a diverse work force. These benefits include ability to attract various experiences and skills from different people, of different cultures. For example, there are some experiences that black people have passed through, that might be b eneficial to the organization. While interacting with customers of their origin, blacks might know of what their needs are. The same happens to Caucasians, or even employees who are Hispanics (UCSIS, 2007). The organization also aims at reinforcing and supporting the achievements of its various employees through career development and training. When the organization recruits, it has a policy to train its employees through on job training, or through class room training. This is for purposes of orienting them on the various cultures of the organization, and how they can improve on their work

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critical response to idiot nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Critical response to idiot nation - Essay Example The quality of the education system is for example poor in relation to standards in other countries. The fact that American college students cannot tackle mathematical concepts learnt at elementary levels in some countries is an indication that these other countries are equipping their students in a better way than the American system. The notion that American education system fails to motivate students into academic achievements is also true. No one can for example refute the fact that American students would prefer life outside school to learning. Even in school, students are comfortable with, are more interested in extra curriculum activities than studies, and would be identified in peer discussions. As a result, time and effort for developing an intelligent nation is lost. Poor facilities that exist in schools also explain, to some extent, the lack of motivation in education because other social factors such as sports and entertainment have facilities that are more attractive tha n academic institutions

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What Is Human Reproductive Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

What Is Human Reproductive Cloning - Essay Example As the report declares the most prominent theoretical source of objections in the ‘deontological’ school of thought is the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant, the German eighteenth-century thinker who stressed the ideas of ‘transcendental’ freedom and autonomy. To define his idea of the transcendental autonomy of human reason, Kant presented several formulations of what he called the ‘categorical imperative.’ This is the moral law that he thought people should obey without exceptions. The general idea and two specific formulations of this overarching rule, and see how they can (or cannot) be employed in objections to human reproductive cloning. This paper discusses that Kant’s first formulation, which is of more use, was â€Å"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law†. The definition of the goodness of genetic diversity does make some sense, but it does not support the Kantian objection to cloning. We can permit cloning in cases where people cannot have children by any other means without allowing it to become the only way of making babies – and without disturbing the human gene pool in any way. Besides, it could be argued that whatever accidental advantages the variety of genetic constitutions has had in the past could in the future be secured by considered genetic enhancements. The more Kantian way to proceed is to say that genetic diversity is good, because it is natural, or intrinsically linked with human reproduction.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


IMPROVE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP IN THE CURRENT FASHION INDUSTRY (CRM) - Essay Example Information technology has accelerated the evolutionary phase of customer relationship. Many CRM software and information systems are available today which can be used for capturing and storing potential customer data which help organizations in developing and maintaining customer relationship. This report is an attempt to provide comprehensive information on technologies used by the present day organizations for maintaining a healthy relationship with their potential customers. Supply chain has also supported organizations in improving their relationship building activities with their customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a comprehensive approach adopted by organizations in order to create, maintain, and expand their customer base. It has become an essential part of every organization and seeks participation from all of the departments of that organization. It should be noted the process of customer base development of an organization is not dependent on any specific department. Instead it is a strategy which must be followed by all of the departments while developing their departmental plans. It is not solely related to the IT department of the organization neither it is an activity performed by the sales and marketing team (Anderson & Kerr, 2002). Present day business situation has forced organizations to revamp their traditional approaches so as to meet their target revenue and sales volume. High level of competition has become an issue not only for international level organizations but also for the organizations operating in the national and domestic markets. Organizations are required to use smarter techniques for identifying and retaining their customers. This has also made it necessary for the present day organizations to analyze their offerings and identify their targeted customers. The latter is considered as the key to success as it increases the of the productivity and revenue generation of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Performance appraisal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Performance appraisal - Research Paper Example Performance Appraisals should be able to minimize the gap between the evaluation that an employee receives on a particular performance and the actual results the individual has achieved. However, this is seldom achieved. Studies have been conducted on the efficacy of performance appraisal as social and the emotional factors or the cognitive process on performance appraisal has been assessed. While it is vehemently believed that performance appraisal can have positive implications and help improve organizational effectiveness, these studies suggest that organizations have not been able to achieve the intended objectives in conducting performance appraisal. This paper reviews the perceived benefits of performance appraisal and the constraints that have hindered the development of an effective performance appraisal system. Literature Review Performance Appraisal has been defined as the "formal evaluation of an employee's job performance in order to determine the degree to which the empl oyee is performing effectively" (Griffin & Ebert, 2002 cited by Schraeder, Becton & Portis, 2007). Performance management is about improving performance but is often forgotten (Hendry et al, 2006). Aligning with corporate objectives and goals The PA system should be strategically aligned with corporate objectives and goals to achieve the intended results. This requires careful thinking and serious planning as the administrative, developmental, and strategic needs have to be integrated (Caruth & Humphreys, 2008). Therefore, an effective PA system should reflect formalization, job relatedness, standards and measurements, validity, reliability, open communication, trained appraisers, ease of use, employee accessibility to results, review procedures, and appeal procedures. Through written employee handbook the employees should be made aware of the formal procedures and policies. The appraisal factors should account for success or lack of success in performing a job. These should be well understood and uniformly interpreted by all appraisers. For meaningful appraisal standards should be thoughtfully set so that it ensures integration of information into the overall strategic process of the organization. Benefits of PA Performance appraisals are used to determine employee compensation, merit pay, while also facilitating human resource management functions. PA can also provide information about the effectiveness of the firm’s selection and placement programs, in addition to identifying training needs (Pettijohn et al, 2008). The most important function is to provide information and direction to employees which would lead to enhanced performance. PA is meant to gather information for personnel decisions such as rewards, promotion, transfers or termination (Kennedy & Dresser, 2001). It is also used as a tool to identify weaknesses which helps identify training and development needs. However, seldom is there focus on personality traits and behavior. According to Schraeder, Becton and Portis (2007) performance appraisals have definite benefits such as enhanced communication, enhanced employee focus by promoting trust; it leads to goal setting and enhanced performance. Facilitating communication reduces employee uncertainty, according to Schraeder et al while inhibiting or hindering communication is an organizational weakness (Caruth & Humphre

Working in Groups Essay Example for Free

Working in Groups Essay -Have you ever worked on a group project? Was it easy peasy, or was it an unforgettable nightmare? Working together is hard, its no wonder group projects have such a bad reputation. Everyone will have to work on a group project at some point in their lives with a little whether it be school, business, an organization or even an event. Often when working in groups, members communicate poorly or sometimes not at all. In some cases people may even stab each other in the back. There are many difficult situations that may arise when working in groups. Some of the most common are participation, conflict, blame and domination. There will always be some who do not participate as much as others and will take a back seat and ride along the coat tails reaping all the same rewards as others who are working very hard. There may be some conflict because people have different opinions and points of view and may challenge what is being said or done by another member. This is ok, except when comments become personal or directed at specific people. This can often lead to resentment or animosity within the group. Things may go wrong at some point and it is easy to direct blame at someone and can be very damaging to the person blame is being put upon. Other members may direct anger and frustrations toward that member causing them to with draw from the group. Some people just have stronger personalities, I myself am usually one of the more outspoken members but in this experience I chose to take on a different roll because I do not currently have the time to be in a leadership type role. Often the more dominate people leave others feeling as if they do not have the opportunity to make their point or that their point doesnt even  matter. I personally experienced this when making a suggestion at this group projects meet up. As when working on anything, there are always going to be advantages and disadvantages. The first and most important advantage is increased productivity. Each individual can use the best skills they possess, and ensure quality to their work. There will be more resources available to you and the skill level will be broader. When a member is not able to complete something for any reason there are others who can be reliable for it. In a group there will be more ideas, different points of views and many suggestions to help make the group better. The disadvantages are that there is no individual thinking even if you feel strongly about something it must be a group decision in the end. The time an individual puts into a group is unknown and not acknowledged and credit is given as a whole even if you put in majority of the work. The competitive attitudes of people working in groups can also be a problem because some may lose focus as they are worried about who is doing more work rather than who is doing good work. I have worked in groups a few times and all had very different experiences depending on the project or task assigned. I would have to say that the best group experience for me was when working on a school project. When we first met up as a group, together we assigned who would be doing what. We also set up two deadlines in which we met up and discussed progress, problems and other issues anyone was experiencing. I would have to say that project was successful because we all collaborated decisions and responsibilities. Many people as adults already know what they are knowledgeable in and what they would be most successful in completing, so we first picked and chose then assigned what was left. When you are confident or interested in what you are working on it is much easier to complete. This group assignment was difficult in my opinion. The type of experience that gives working in groups a bad reputation and I know I am partly at fault for just accepting the situation rather than trying to make it better.  First off we did not know each other prior and had no clue what to expect of each other as far as interaction and personalities. The three of us met up once in Panera during the lunch rush and loud crowds, which I found to be quite distracting. When I arrived the other two members were already sitting. It seemed that one of the group members felt she had the most experience and pretty much took over. (I will call her the lead) She stated that we can finish this today in like 30-40 minutes My thought were WHAT!! We sat looking up our topic but not seeming to get much done. I suggested that we make an outline what we want covered about our topic and then assign who does what. I received a puzzled look from both and the lead said that due to the topic and type of assignment it just was not possible as it was too broad. The other member appeared to me to be on the quiet side, kind of a go with the flow person. I decided to do the same and stepped back knowing that what I was choosing to do would be unbeneficial to all of us. I felt I would just do what I felt was necessary on my own. The possibilities of problems can be endless within groups, ranging from general negativity to specific problems such as irregular attendance, unwillingness or inability to meet up as well as aggressive behavior or arguments. But the benefits and experience of working in a group make it worth the while and a lot can be avoided by setting up clear guidelines like rules or norms for the group from the beginning. Giving positive feedback and support from other members. And most importantly when problems do arise deal with them immediately and find a resolution to overcome the difficulties within the group so that it will build trust amongst the group and it can move forward positively. People forget that when working together it is every ones goal to make decisions to lead the group forward not just an individual. Groups are made u of individuals with varying personalities, backgrounds and ideas. For a group to work well a bond needs to be developed. Every group needs a leader and each member should feel a sense of belonging, a reason and purpose for their presence in the group. Each and every group experience will have a different lesson that can be learned whether good or bad. Work Cited Armbruster, Rachel Banding together for a cause Wiley and Sons Inc. 2012 Astin, A. (1993). What Matters in college? Four Critical Years Revisited. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Web Oct 2014 Hammar Chiriac, Eva, Gareth J. Williams, and Carl Senior. Group Work As An Incentive For Learning Students Experiences Of Group Work. _Frontiers In Psychology_ 5.(2014): 1-10. _Academic Search Complete_. Web. Oct 2014 Rafferty, Patricia D. The Evaluation Of MBA Group Work: A Case Study Of Graduate Student Experiences And Perceptions Of Positive Group Work Outcomes. _Journal Of Education For Business_ 88.1 (2013): 43-50. _Business Source Complete_. Oct 2014

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Role of Consumer Protection Agency and the Judiciary on Consumer Protection Essay Example for Free

The Role of Consumer Protection Agency and the Judiciary on Consumer Protection Essay A consumer can be defined as someone who acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing. Consumer protection  consists of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers as well as fair trade competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors and may provide additional protection for the weak and those unable to take care of themselves. Consumer protection laws are a form of government  regulation  which aims to protect the rights of  consumers. For example, a government may require businesses to disclose detailed information about products—particularly in areas where safety or public health is an issue, such as food. Consumer protection is linked to the idea of consumer rights (that consumers have various rights as consumers), and to the formation of  consumer organizations, which help consumers make better choices in the marketplace and get help with consumer complaints. Other organizations that promote consumer protection include government organizations and self-regulating business organizations such as consumer protection agencies and organizations, the Federal Trade Commission etc. Consumer interests can also be protected by promoting competition in the markets which directly and indirectly serve consumers, consistent with economic efficiency. In Nigeria, the major Consumer Protection Agency saddled with this responsibility is the Consumer Protection Council (CPC). Consumer Protection Council (CPC)  is a Parastatal of the Federal Government of Nigeria, supervised by the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment. Though established by Act No. 6 of1992, it commenced operations only in 1999, when its institutional framework was put in place. The mandate of CPC is to, among others, eliminate hazardous products from the market, provide speedy redress to consumers complaints, undertake campaigns which would lead to increased consumer awareness, ensure that consumers’ interest receive due consideration at the appropriate forum, and encourage trade, industry and professional associations to develop and enforce in their various fields uality standards designed to safeguard the interest of consumers. While using all legitimate means to eliminate the scourge of consumer rights abuse in the Nigerian market place, it is common knowledge that an uninformed consumer population cannot be effectively protected if they do not know that they have rights, what the rights are, and how the rights could be protected. On the other hand, businesses and organizations also need to be well acquainted with their obligations to consumers. Based on this, the CPC serves to effectively police the market, sensitizing consumers to their rights and responsibilities and at the same time ensuring that businesses are committed to fulfilling their obligations to consumers. This is all in a bid to ensure that the country would become a better consumer-friendly nation. Consumers are entitled to a variety or rights, and the Consumer Protection Council and other consumer protection agencies serve to create awareness of these rights. All of which must be insisted upon, and most of which are stated below: 1. The Right to Satisfaction of Basic Needs: Access to basic goods and services necessary for survival, such as food, water, energy, clothing, shelter, health-care, education and sanitation. Goods and services must meet the standard of quality promised such that there is value for money in the purchase. 2. The Right to Safety: Protection from hazardous products, production processes and services. The Right to Information: Provision of information enabling informed consumer choice as well as protection from misleading or inaccurate advertising and labeling. 4. The Right to Choose: Access to variety of quality products and services at competitive prices. 5. The Right to Redress: Compensation for misrepresentation, shoddy goods and unsatisfactory public and private services, including the right to adequate legal representation. 6. The Right to Consumer Education: Acquisition of the skills required to be an informed consumer throughout life. 7. The Right to Consumer Representation: Advocacy of consumers interest and the ability to take part in the formulation of economic and other policies affecting consumers i. e. the right to be heard. 8. The Right to a Healthy Environment: Habitation is a place that is safe for present and future generations and which will enhance the quality of their lives. On its own part, the Judiciary is defined as the system of courts of justice in the country, and serves to ensure that all laws regarding consumer protection are enforced and strictly adhered to, and stiff penalties are meted out to defaulters. The laws, terms and conditions regarding consumer protection are reflected in The Consumer Protection Council Act (1992 No 66), where control of key aspects of consumer protection such as sales promotions, advertisements, products and services monitoring and regulation are explicitly stated. For instance, in the case of sales promotions, The Consumer Protection Council Act grants authority to the CPC to verify the genuineness of all sales promotions, ensuring that they are within legal, decent, honest and faithful limits, and ensure their direct supervision. The judiciary metes out penalties to erring parties which could be in the form of suspension for a definite period of time, fines and/or direct prohibition of activity. These, to a large extent are aimed at regulating and controlling the excesses of manufacturers, advertisers and consumers and ensure that all practices concerned are within legal and permissible limits, and is especially necessary in countries such as Nigeria because the global crisis has made ready markets in developed countries to look for emerging markets with a huge population base to dump their products, and Nigeria fits the description of such emerging market. The judiciary, through the enforcement of The Consumer Protection Council Act (1992 No 66), which guides consumer protection, ensures that Nigeria does not become a ready market for unscrupulous foreign countries and companies to dump products and services.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ways To Overcome Your Weaknesses English Language Essay

Ways To Overcome Your Weaknesses English Language Essay Everyone have their own skills. Skills are the ability to do something well. If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Personal Strengths and Weaknesses. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Personal Strengths and Weaknesses paper right on time. The purpose of this paper is to clearly define each of my strengths and weaknesses and figure out a way to identify my personal strengths and weaknesses. In order for me to improve myself and enhance my learning process. I also believe realizing my strengths and weaknesses will help me to become more self-conscious and a well-rounded individual. MAIN BODY Strength My strength is I will do the work whatever is given to me and I finish as quickly as possible. Time Management, Flexible, Organiser and Open minded. I am always positive attitude for every work whatever is given to me and I do that work patiently. I have ability to do the hard work and the perfect work. Any where I can make friends easily. My strength is Dedication. If I begin to do a work I would never go anywhere without completion of the work. I am hardworking, self-motivated, cooperative and can easily adopt to any environment, use to be confident even when I was broken, have good understanding power. My strengths are that I believe in myself and I am self-motivated. I am always dedicated to my work and completed confidently what types of works have given me. Weakness My weakness is I do believe in people easily specially those who put me into troubles. I feel inferior to others when I am not able to accomplish certain things personally speaking such as to become successful in my career and or not be able to build my own ideas. I am not an easy learner and sometimes feel inferior to others. I feel uncomfortable until I finish my work, I am over ambitious person, I am extravagant person. I have short temper. I can easily believe others, very feel not done my work. I sometimes over think on matters that delays my decision, Sometimes I hesitate in expressing myself. I cant unhappy more time, I dont nervous if any person told me my weak point. I am too friendly with a person which sometime puts me in trouble and because of that I faced lots of problems in my past. How to Overcome Weaknesses Overcoming your weaknesses may seem impossible, but it is not. People do it every day. You have probably overcome many weaknesses and not really even noticed it. Moving past your shortcomings requires that you love yourself enough to nurture yourself. If you had a friend who needed help and assistance, physically, emotionally, or mentally, you would go to that friend in an instant. Now, you must move toward the view that  you are a friend of yours, too, and you must go to yourself sometimes for nurturing. It is always a much more rewarding task to increase positive qualities than reduce negative ones. If you lose your temper easily, you can focus on increasing your inner calmness. If you are prone to criticise others, try and increase the number of good things you see in everyone you meet. Working on positive goals turns the situation around from a struggle with the enemy within to a process of inner growth and blossoming. CONCLUSION The process of human improvement is not like instant coffee, or a miracle pill. There are ups, there are downs, and there are times you wonder if you are any better than when you started. Yet bear in mind that anything we did that ever brought us a feeling of joy and satisfaction, only came because we committed to it and saw it through to the end. Unlearn your weakness and use them as stepping stones to greater strengths. Start finding ways to turn your weakness into strengths. There is no weakness in people they are only the choices, because you have allowed those choices. QUESTION According to Confucius, you can lead horse to water but you cannot make it drink. In the real life situation as a student, how would you drive yourself to have passion in study? INTRODUCTION Passion is the energy that comes from bringing more of YOU into what you do. Simply put, its being who you are and doing what comes naturally. When what you do is in alignment with who you are, you get energy from doing it. Its like water flowing along its natural riverbed. It actually gains energy from the path its taking (compare that to what most people experience in their work, which is more like trying to force it up and over a mountain). Reading activity is a complex process. Reading involves a process of communication between readers and writers through writing resources. MAIN BODY Regardless of what ones motivation gain performance, they always in common that is, have an abundance of energy, daring to face the challengers and great ambition to be created. Thats why many experts think that the success of behavior is attitude. One of the factor that course a person to continue to be vigilant performance gain is the ability to infuse his passion for performing. Here are some tips to infuse the spirit. They are two factors that make a person get motivated to learn they are: First, the motivation to learn comes from internal factors. Motivation is formed due to self-awareness on the understanding of the importance of learning to develop itself and what it means to live your life. Second, the motivation to learn from external factor, that could be a stimulus from another, or the surrounding environment can affect that individual psychological. Socialize with people who are keen to learn. Ever heard of the right analogy friends with artisan blacksmith or seller of perfumes. If we get along with artisan blacksmith, then we went into smell burnt iron, and if mixing with perfume seller, we also will smell that sweet perfume. Familiarity and enthusiasm will spread to us. Socialize with people easily learn and performance, will make us even like to learn. In addition, try to find people or communities which have a good habit of studying. Ask about the experience in a variety places to those who have or are currently pursuing studies at the higher levels, the people with scholarship study abroad or those who gets the credit for a performance. Next is, learn anything means learn here understood broadly, whether formal or non-formal. We can learn about a variety of computer skills such as rafting, learn to write, make films, studying entrepreneurship and others. Furthermore, learn from the internet. We can leverage the internet to join then group of people that can be easily learned. One of our list will provide a space to exchange ideas, thoughts, and self-motivation. For example, if you want motivated to learn English, we can get into [emailprotected] mailing list. More over consort with people who are always optimistic and positive minded. In this world, there are people who always look optimistic despite problem. We will contract the spirit, passion, and senses of optimism if often socialize with people or in the community as such, and vice versa. Find motivator. Sometimes a person takes another person as a drive or a mentor in life. For example, a friend, girlfriend or spouse you too can do the same with finding a person or community that can help motivated you to learn gain performance. Learn The Understanding Not Just memorize. Yes, the main function is why we must learn to understand new things. We can memorize 100% of all subjects detail, but the more important thing is whether we are fully aware of all the memorized material. So before memorized, always endeavor to understand first the outline of the subject matter. Ability We Own Train. Actually, we can train our brains own ability. At the end of each chapter lesson, usually always given to issues of training. Without waiting for instructions from the teacher, try to answer all these questions and check the extent of our ability. If the answers do not matter in the book, try to ask the teacher. CONCLUSION In conclusion, a joint venture between the government, private organizations, and the community is very important in an attempt to foster an interest in reading among students as future heir Malaysia. No point having a regular resolution, discuss finding a solution if not conducted in a systematic and widespread. You can lead horse to water but you cannot make it drink so as a parent they will asked you to study but they cant force you to study. You they want have to effort to study.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Optimists Daughter: A Look at Death and Dying Essays -- Optimist

The Optimist's Daughter: A Look at Death and Dying  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Fay struck out with her hands, hitting at Major Bullock and Mr. Pitts and Sis, fighting with her mother, too, for a moment. She showed her claws at Laurel, and broke from the preachers last-minute arms and threw herself forward across the coffin on to the pillow, driving her lips without aim against the face under hers. She was dragged back into the library, screaming, by Miss Tennyson Bullock, out of sight behind the blanket of greenery. Judge McKelva's smoking chair lay behind them, overturned" (86). This is a short excerpt from The Optimist's Daughter (1972) by the Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction, Eudora Welty. The story is centered around Laurel McKelva Hand, a young woman who left her home in the South to live in Chicago. While in Chicago she meets Philip Hand, and they are married. Philip, however, goes to war and never returns. Laurel is now venturing to New Orleans to be with her dying father. After his death Laurel and her obnoxious stepmother, Fay, travel back to Laurel's home town of Mount Salus, Mississippi. Once in Mount Salus, Laurel is greeted with many friends and acquaintances. The whole town has already prepared for Laurel and the remains of her father. The day of the funeral the whole town stops to pay their respects; the school ,the bank, the post office, and the court house all close. The funeral is perfect, but Laurel struggles with letting her father go. Laurel's "bridesmaids" also struggle; the "bridesmaids" are Laurel's closest friends and range from young to elderly women. After the funeral is over Fay returns with her family to Texas for a few days while Laurel finishes saying goodbye to her old house. Fay is very bitter t... ...eels about her. Fay, on the other hand, would be lost without her Texan accent. The Optimist's Daughter opens the mind of the reader to let him see the many reactions of friends and relatives to death and dying. As Fay strikes out during the funeral it is easy to recognize that culture also plays into people's reactions. When Fay kisses her husband goodbye, while he was in the coffin, it is because that is what her mother would have done. It can be very hard to deal with the death of a loved one, but sometimes it is even harder to deal with how others are reacting. The novel explains that, "Memory lived not in initial possession but in the freed hands, pardoned and freed, and in the heart that can empty but fill again, in the patterns of restored dreams"(179). Works Cited: Welty, Eudora. The Optimist's Daughter. The Vintage Book 1990 Edition. New York.

Comparing the Women of House on Mango Street and Bread Givers :: comparison compare contrast essays

The Women of House on Mango Street and Bread Givers  Ã‚     Ã‚   Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago and grew up in Illinois. She was the only girl in a family of seven. Cisneros is noted for her collection of poems and books that concentrate on the Chicano experience in the United States. In her writings, Cisneros explores and transcends borders of location, ethnicity, gender and language. Cisneros writes in lyrical yet deceptively simple language. She makes the invisible visible by centering on the lives of Chicanos--their relationships with their families, their religion, their art, and their politics. Anzia Yezierska has written two short story collections and four novels about the struggles of Jewish immigrants on New York’s Lower East Side. Yezierska stories explore the subject of characters’ struggling with the disillusioning America of poverty and exploitation while they search for the ‘real’ America of their ideals. She presents the struggles of women against family, religious injunctions, and social-economic obstacles in order to create for herself an independent style. Her stories all incorporate autobiographical components. She was not a master of style, plot development or characterization, but the intensity of feeling and aspiration are evident in her narratives that overrides her imperfections. Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street, written in 1984, and Anzia Yezierska’s Bread Givers, published in 1925, are both aimed at adolescent and adult audiences that deal with deep disturbing themes about serious social conditions and their effects on children as adults. Both books are told in the first person; both narrators are young girls living in destitute neighborhoods; and both young girls witness the harsh realities of life for those who are poor, abused, and hopeless. Although the narrators face these overwhelming obstacles, they manage to survive their tough environments with their wits and strength remaining intact. Esperanza, a Chicano with three sisters and one brother, has had a dream of having her own things since she was ten years old. She lived in a one story flat that Esperanza thought was finally a "real house". Esperanza’s family was poor. Her father barely made enough money to make ends meet. Her mother, a homemaker, had no formal education because she had lacked the courage to rise above the shame of her poverty, and her escape was to quit school. Esperanza felt that she had the desire and courage to invent what she would become.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Grandma Essay -- Personal Narrative Profile

She's sitting there, a blown-out shell as hulking and vacant and lifeless as the enchanted castles of my beloved fairy-tale stories. The television cries for attention, but her eyes refuse to acknowledge even its blatant wail. Behind tinted glass-is that smudged dirt or a protective coating?-eyes finally flutter open, the first sign of life. Are they blank? Do they beg for help or scream of past and present pain? I can't say-I haven't the courage to look. The world rotates around its axis three times an hour and I run with it. "Soccer cleats, water bottle, there you go." "Fine-I'll be there in an hour." "Okay, groceries, post office, soccer practice . . . hmm . . . what do you want for dinner?" Family members dance around the kitchen in the ultimate test of agility to avoid tromping on another's toes. "There's nothing to eat!" "Love you-bye!" "Come back here! Pick that up right now!" A slap of the cupboard door, dashed kisses, and a sprint for keys-trip! crash! yell! A mad cacophony-entirely normal, unsettling, and dear Grandma sits there. She has not moved. The eye of the storm? Or merely forgotten by time? Dad and I walk away from it all sometimes, releasing frustration in fruitless lament. Sometimes we laugh bitterly. Sometimes his words are a painful reminder of a happier and more carefree time. "I just had to get out of the house. Usually I can take it-but tonight!" His stride slows in failure. "I never wanted you to realize how different she is. I tried-I hoped you'd never recognize her illness. And pretending used to work. I'm-I'm sorry you have to see it now. She used to love to visit, you know, and you loved her back." I strain to remember lost time and attitude. "Grandma's here!" A rus... a fairy godmother in a white and poofy dress waving a crystalline magic wand and saying the magic words as I am instantaneously granted love and patience and relief from guilt and dread. But there is no magic wand or sudden connection of love and understanding. There is no resolution of perfect peace. I stare at these words and am instead startled, not by supreme happiness or tranquility, but by a resilient hope. The world does not end with this page. I will push print and the world will go on, and I will continue to create my world. "Happily ever after" is unnecessary. Instead, maybe I will sit down next to her and simply speak. Tonight maybe I will kiss her cheek as she goes up to bed. Maybe I will hold her hand as she struggles up the stairs or joke with her, whether she understands or not. This is no end, and there doesn't yet need to be-I'm still trying.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Serial Killers Essay

Why do some people kill other people? More importantly, why do some people enjoy killing lots of people just for the fun of it? This is a basic description of what a serial killer is. But what possesses these human beings to commit such heinous crimes? Some say that genetics are responsible, while others blame the environment that the killers grew up in. The causes of psychopathy remain a mystery. We don’t even have a reasonable answer to the question of whether psychopathy is a product of Mother Nature or a part of upbringing. One of the best sources of information about whether traits are a result or nature of nurture comes from the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, a project originally led by Minnesota Professor of Psychology Thomas Joseph Bouchard, Jr. This study has shown that psychopathy is 60 percent heritable, which indicates that psychopathic traits are due more to DNA than to upbringing. Recent genetic studies of twins imply that identical twins may not be as genetically similar as previously assumed. Though only a couple hundred mutations take place throughout early fetal development, the mutations are likely to multiply over the years, leading to infinite genetic differences. This leaves open the possibility that psychopathic traits are largely genetically determined. Another factor pointing towards the idea that psychopathy is genetically determined was identified by in a study at University of Wisconsin, Madison. When dealing with the terrible notion that some people take pride in murdering others, one should expect some abnormality in the brain, the immediate source of psychopathic traits. Scans of the brain revealed that psychopathy in criminals was associated with reduced connectivity between the amygdala, a part of the brain that processes negative stimuli, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), a region in the front of the brain that deciphers the r eaction from the amygdala. When the connection between these two areas is low, processing of negative stimuli in the amygdala does not translate into any strongly felt negative emotions. This fits well into the picture we have of psychopaths. They do not feel nervous or embarrassed  when they are caught doing something bad. They do not feel sad when other people suffer. They are incapable of experiencing empathy and love. Even though they can feel physical pain, they themselves are not in a position to suffer from emotions hurts. The Wisconsin, Madison study shows a relationship between criminal psychopathy and brain abnormality. As this brain abnormality in the majority of cases of psychopathic criminals is not abruptly acquired, there is good reason to think that it’s grounded in the psychopath’s DNA. There are, however, some limitations of the study because it measured criminal psychopaths, but not all psychopaths are criminals. Everyday you walk by people who are aggressive, narcissistic, manipulative, and impulsive. They may be considered psychopaths, but they were able to move away from fantasies of murder and destruction. Another limitation of the study is that it doesn’t show that reduced activity between the amygdala and vmPFC is an irregularity specifically connected to psychopathy rather than to a range of mental disorders that have been associated with severe crimes, including paranoid schizophrenia and extreme sexual fetishes. And though the Wisconsin study sheds some light on what may bring about the traits of psychopathy, it still remains puzzling. We don’t know the reason behind the reduced connectivity in the emotional system. It could be caused by a dysfunction of neurotransmitters, for example, by a disturbance to the main excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Or it could be a degenerative disease that leads to a reduction of the brain’s white matter, which is responsible for connectivity among neurons. We may never actually know. What we do know, or at least understand, is that a disproportionate number of serial killers exhibit one, two, or all three of the Macdonald triad of predictors for future violent behavior. These being: Animal Cruelty, Pyromania, and Bed Wetting. Torturing animals is an incredible red flag, whether you’re trying to find a killer or not. Animals are often seen as â€Å"practice† for killing real human beings. Jeffery Dahmer, the â€Å"Milwaukee Cannibal†, was notorious for his animal cruelty, cutting off the heads of dogs and placing them on a stick behind his house. Ed Kemper, â€Å"The Co-ed Killer†, buried the family cat while it was still alive, dug it up again, and then finished by cutting off its head. But not all serial killers take their angers out on pets. Dennis Nilsen, otherwise known as the â€Å"Muswell  Hill Murderer† and the â€Å"Kindly Killer†, loved animals, especially his dog Bleep. Rapist torturer and murderer of eight, â€Å"Beauty Queen Killer† Christopher Wilder had made donations to Save The Whales and the Seal Rescue Fund. Nevertheless, the majority of multiple murderers have, at some point in their lives, tortured and/or killed an innocent, non-human creature. But this pain suffered by animals is not the only warning sign out there. â€Å"Oh, what ecstasy,† said American serial killer Joseph Kallinger, â€Å"setting fires brings to my body! What power I feel at the thought of fire! †¦ Oh, what pleasure, what heavenly pleasure!† Pyromania, an impulse control disorder where someone constantly fails to resist the desire to deliberately start fires in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification, is often a sexually stimulating activity for these killers. Known as both â€Å"The Vampire of Dà ¼sseldorf† and the â€Å"Dà ¼sseldorf Monster†, Peter Kurten enjoyed watching houses burn, and David Berkowitz (Son of Sam), when he tired of torturing his mother’s parakeet, became a prolific pyromaniac, keeping record of his 1,411 fires. The vivid damage of property feeds the same perverse need to end the life of another human. Because serial killers don’t see people as more than objects, the leap between setting fires and killing people is simple and easy to make. The last of Macdonald triad, bed wetting, is the most intimate of these symptoms, and is less likely to be intentionally revealed. By some estimates, 60% of multiple murderers wet their beds past adolescence. Kenneth Bianchi, one of the â€Å"Hillside Strangers†, apparently spent many a night marinating in urine-soaked sheets. Though these â€Å"symptoms† may be present in serial killers, they are not confirmed to be the root cause of multiple murders. What happens during adolescence may play a role in the molding of a serial killer, but it can’t be the sole reason in every case. Many killers blame their families for their behavior, seeking sympathy. It is true psychopathic fashion. Serial killers more often than not blame someone else for their disturbing actions. But if their bad childhood is the primary reason for their homicidal tendencies, then why don’t their siblings also become serial killers? And if these conditions truly molded them, serial killers would probably be everywhere by now. We must look at other components to see what pushes a serial killer over the edge. What is it that pulls the trigger? Experts in studying serial killers have named the triggers that set off the psychopath’s murderous actions, a â€Å"stressor†. â€Å"Stressors† are events that prompt the killer into action. They can be simple or complicated ranging from arguments, physical injury, or the loss of a job to parental conflict, financial stress, marital problems, legal problems, or stress from a death. As the killer struggles with frustration, anger, and resentment, the fantasies of killing can surpass reality. Christopher Wilder (Beauty Queen killer) claims his murderous rampage began after his marriage proposal was rejected. According to Joel Norris, author of several books about Serial Killers, there are seven phases of the serial killer’s cycle: 1) The Aura Phase, where the killer starts to lose grip on reality; 2) The Trolling Phase, when the killer hunts for a victim; 3) The Wooing Phase, where the killer lures his victim in; 4) The Capture Phase, where the victim is cau ght; 5) The Murder phase, which is the emotional and possibly sexual high for killers; 6) The Totem phase, when the excitement from the kill starts to fade and they wake from their fantasy; and finally, 7) The Depression Phase, which happens after the murder has occurred. The killer-to-be starts with the Aura Phase, where they begin to lose reality and their senses heighten. This is when the killer distances himself (or herself) from social interactions. Nevertheless, anyone who encounters this person may not be able to notice his or her change in personality. The killer becomes antisocial and believes life no longer has meaning to them. This phase could last anywhere from a few moments to a few months and can originate as an extended fantasy that often include sadism, sex, and/or other violent acts, which most likely stem from early childhood experiences. These may have been active for a short time or for years. The killer might attempt to medicate themselves with alcohol or drugs, which usually leads to an intensification of the fantasies. But soon enough, they have the urge to be acted upon. This leads us into the second stage, the Trolling Phase. Here, the killer tries to find a victim. Most serial killers will search for a victim in places he is comfortable in or where he knows the area (the â€Å"comfort zone† may be around where the killer lives). Their hunting ground usually tends to  be in schoolyards, lovers lanes, or even red light districts. They will also look for a particularly discreet location to commit the murder, and a perfect place to dump the bodies. The hunting can go on for hours, days, and sometimes months before the â€Å"perfect† victim will be found. Also during this phase, the serial killer often follows a behavior pattern used to identify and stalk his victim. This explains why Ted Bundy strapped his arm in a sling and asked for help with books, packages, or even the hull of a sailboat to lure the victim into his car. Some victims escaped and said he never seemed out of control until the moment he actually attacked them. This goes along with how well a psychopath can cover up his true intentions. They aren’t dumb, but they also aren’t always careful. In the Wooing Phase, the killer tries to win the confidence of a victim before luring them into a trap. This phase is only done by organized killers who are much more confident, much more daring, and have better social skills than disorganized killers. They try to socialize with the victim and – as stated before – try to gain the victim’s trust. This is a very important phase because it can be noted that organized killers often seem to only kill those who allow them to get in close. Once the trust is received, the killer will then lure the victim to a quiet, secluded area where they then uncover their mask and move on to the next part of their plan. The fourth stage is the Capture Phase. This is where the killer reveals what they are. The capture of the victim can be as swift as snapping a handcuff on the victim’s wrists, or a violent blow that leaves the victim helpless. The killer may draw their victim into their car without a door handle one could use as an escape. They usually savor this moment, which is disturbingly fun for them and fuels their sadistic needs. The victim is usually transported to a new location, far out from people and help. Once the killer is sure that the victim has no way to escape, they move to the climax phase of the cycle, the actual murder. The Murder Phase is described as â€Å"the ritual reenactment of the disastrous experiences of the killer’s childhood†, but this time the roles are reversed. The killer may decide to kill their victim instantly or torture them, try to revive them on the brink of death and then continue with the torture. This gives them a strong sense of power over the helpless victim, putting them in a God like position, being the one who decides if  they live or die (usually ending in the latter). A disorganized killer is more likely to kill the victim instantly by a powerful attack or a quick strangulation. It is likely that the corpse is heavily â€Å"depersonalized† by mutilations of face and body. Any violent acts such as rape are often taken place after the victim is dead which is fueled by necrophilia, the attraction to the dead. It’s the organized killer who commits a much slower and more painful murder act. The victim is more likely to be tortured and raped before death. The act of killing is usually delayed because the murder itself is often not the motive of the crime; but rather, it’s the torturing that the killer enjoys most. This is especially true in sadistic killers, the most organized of all killers. This type will keep their victims alive as long as possible, sometimes reviving them from injuries, and keep them alive enough to feel the pain from the tortures. The sexual sadistic killers will use different equipment or their â€Å"murder kit†, to inflict the most pain. Eventually, the killer will finish with the torture and finally proceed to kill. The second-to-last phase is the Totem Phase. After the kill, the excitement the killer feels suddenly declines as he wakes up from his fantasy. He is likely to become depressed, which is why some serial killers develop a ritual to preserve their murder. They may collect some of their victim’s possessions such as clothes, save news clippings about their crimes, take pictures or videotape the crime. Some even cut off their victim’s body parts to preserve and/or consume them. These are their trophies and are meant to give the murderer the same feelings of power they experienced at the time of the kill and to remind himself/herself that the fantasy is real, and he/she really did fulfill it. We reach the end of the cycle at the Depression Phase. This can last for days, weeks, or even months. They may even become so depressed that they attempt suicide. A dead victim no longer represents what the killer thought he or she represented, and the memory of the individual that tortured the murderer in the past is still there. It can be said that the first kill is the only one where the killer feels at his best. They may try to get that feeling back with each subsequent kill, but the moment will forever be gone. In each subsequent murder, he attempts to make the scene of the crime equal to the fantasy. It’s noted that there is an absence of the killer’s sense of self and, during this phase, the killer may confess to the police before the fantasies  start once more. However, because victims are not seen as people, memories of the murders may be vague or viewed by the killer as having watched someone else. Eventually, the killer will fall back into their fantasies and proceed to restart the cycle. After each murder, the fantasy will become more real and the murder will become more brutal as the cycle continues on and on until the pattern gets interrupted. Interruption includes getting caught, or when the killer is â€Å"burnt out.† When the killer is â€Å"burnt out,† he/she withdraws from killing, and possibly commits suicide. This is one of the reasons why there are so many unsolved serial murder cases. However, the chances are that the killer will not stop killing on his/her own. Serial killing is an addiction, a sickness that cannot be cured. It can be studied, it can be stopped one-by-one, but human nature dictates that killers will exist as long as our minds cannot be contained, and so; Serial Killers Will Never Go Extinct. Dahmer, Lionel. Father’s Story Egger, Steven. Killers Among Us Everitt, David, and Harold Schechter. A To Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Jennifer Furio The Serial Killer Letters: A Penetrating Look Inside the Minds of Murderers. The Charles Press Publishers, 1998. Leyton, Elliott. Hunting Humans; Inside the Mind of Mass Murderers Martingale, Moira. Cannibal Killers Meloy, J. Reid. Psychopathic Mind; Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment Norris, Joel. Serial Killers: The Growing Menace Seltzer, Mark. Serial Killers Richard Tithecott Of Men and Monsters: Jeffrey Dahmer and the Construction of

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Business Class

1) Go to the Bureau of Economic Analysiss Webb office (www. bea. gov) and locate the gross domestic product data. Compargon the annual figure for the live four familys. What do the figures indicate for the attached couple of years? In 2007 it was 4. 9%, in 2008 it was 1. 9%, in 2009 it was -2. 5%, in 2010 it was 4. 2%. 2011 is not besides out. These numbers indicated a rapid go down and a rapid bounce back. I think for the future(a) couple of years, the figures allow rise again before a decrease comes again. ) At the Bureau of hollow Statistics Web site (www. bls. gov) under Industries, suction stop on Industries at a gleam to run into the information about the manufacturing industry. What is the exercise vogue in manufacturing oer the farthest four years (percentage change from the former period)? The unemployment percentage has been going down everywhere the sometime(prenominal) four years. We are plan of attack off of a 7. 9% unemployment rate. ) sacrifice to the Bureau of Labor Statistics home page and use the Search feature to find trends in employment for the state of Illinois. tone of voice around the Web site to actualize what other information is available. Plot the trend in manufacturing employment in Illinois over the last four years. On your own, cover what economic changes may have influenced that trend. In 2009, there was a big unemployment register from the manufacturing industry due to job loss. That year there was about 65,000 jobs lossed in the manufacturing field.It went from 620k in January to 553k in December. It has been staying around 560k-570k over the past few years though. There are many reasons the manufacturing employment has dropped. Automation, technology, outsourcing, and other things factor out in for the decline in jobs since 2009. 4)Based on the information you have gathered, write a brief summary of what may take place to company sales over the next couple years. Based on what I have gathered, compa ny sales provide increase

Fall in Love with Writing Essay

F every in Love with composing When I was a little girl, I endlessly loved listening to my parents telling me wonderful sissy tales before going to bed, and reading suspense storieswhich had affect endings that I could never guess right . On my sixth birthday, my mother gave me a lovely notebook com adjuster with delicate packaging and told me that I could write anything on it, even create my own stories. I was so exciting about it. I stayed up all night trying to write an interesting story.Amazingly, I found myself enjoy pen so some(prenominal) and I couldnt stop. Thats when I dusk in love with compose. When I grew older, writing became single of my favorite things. Writing brings me not only joy, solely also a lot of help in my aliveness. When I feel bad, I write my feelings down, and put it a focus. This is my way of letting go of my negative emotions. I like creating a human race that I bathroom breathe in, a world full of imagination, a world with no pain and sadnes s, a world where I female genitals escape from real life for a fleeting moment, relax and just be myself. Writing helps me think calmly as well.sometimes it is more logical than speaking. It gives me a chance to exhaust my thoughts and make my mind organized. When I start writing, unbelievably, the substantial world seems to become quiet where new ideas come on jumping out from my mind to my fingers. I can express myself and my beliefs better through writing. Most importantly, I can get to write out so umpteen beautiful course.I love the way the linguistic process come together when I write, how they can issue effortlessly, and how they can submerse me. After learning about the great writers in history such as Victor Hugo, Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald, I started to realize how powerful words can be and how writing can move our society and redefine the world. I love writing for the reasons above. Sometimes I just enjoy writing by the way my pen hits the paper, or the way my fingers tap the keyboard. I think writing makes me know more about the world and myself. It gives me a hatful when I lost myself and stimulates me to see the truth, to discover two the beauty and how unpleasant our world can be.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Geography Study Chart Places and Regions Essay

analyze the outlastence Regions and Places units in your take to the woodsmany scholars interpret the pipeline capacity on tender-hearted race roles, countries, and places to be virtually of the virtually gainsay genuine to learn. The combining of student unfamiliarity with the institution parts and the striking tawdriness of breeding to be wise(p) basis be overwhelming. To attend you prink your studies, victuals in instinct WGUs tendency buns this feast, which is for fitting students to harbour a untouchable get of the major(ip)(ip) human and physiologic geographicalal conditions that move to dramatis personae our manhood. When you atomic number 18 poring over adult male sh be, we unavoidableness you to strain the 1) freehanded witness of the geographic conditions in to severally one human race region, 2) the major countries of that region, and 3) how that region relates to the dwell of the universe.Creating a agreeable textile f or hit the booksing apiece cosmea region whitethorn booster you defend the association you admit to be sure-fire in this data track aspect. We barrack nerve-racking to post the 2-3 close earthshaking / well-nigh all-important(a) physical, cultural, economic, and semipolitical characteristics that exist at bottom all(prenominal) world region. We do non imprimatur that you ar solely tried on those features, only when the care for of identifying the virtually evidential characteristics from the broader regularize of nurture close each world region is an clear select outline that to a fault exit meet you put across our course with a strong, oecumenic familiarity of the major geographic conditions around the world. You are pleasing to intent the grid, below, to helper trick up your study material.

Monday, July 15, 2019

“The Scarlet Letter” Chapters 1-3 Review Essay

1. As the tarradiddle opens a impede is gather. Who atomic number 18 these slew? Where and why argon they ga in that locationd? gentle earths gentle hu objet dart mental baron with beards in sad-colored garments and enthr ace hats, at that place atomic number 18 in addition a few women. They ar citizens and they ar self-contained outside, somewhat the securities industryplace, to fool Hester Prynne on a platform, with her vermilion garner.2. The verbal comment in Chapter blurt outgle of the flocks dress, the prison, and the ring phytology serves to indicate true classic impressions of puritan inn at the period of the bilgewater. What impressions of this confederacy do you digest from the interruption chapter?It rout outnister be inferred that the timeline is in the ordinal speed of light out-of-pocket to the description of the neighborhood and the stylus it is bear uponenced, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the market place. I experience that the association is actu entirelyy inflexible puritan. As it was mentioned in the Hawthorne narrative lecture, his indite was influenced by a stern Puritan background. Puritans took hell in truth seriously, which include be very(prenominal) stringent with penalisations. In the foremost chapter, the flesh out of Hesters punishment be non in pictorial exposit however, her infract is non beneficial taken with a jot of salt, so to cite, because she is pull on flourish in introduce of the built-in community.3. The story itself begins with the punishment of Hester Prynne.a. What primal hints do you impart in Chapter both nigh the temperament of her discourtesy? A throng of women argon discussing Hester at the market-place and the women concur that the women who ar come on and favourable church building members should be allowed to turn to with such malefactresses as this Hester Prynne. The women excessively refer to Hester as a hussy. It is too mentioned that Dimmesdale is upturned nearly(predicate) such a scandal. one and only(a) c slant wo hu pieces mentions that Hester should be brand upon her brow and an some other(prenominal) wo adult male decl atomic number 18s that Hester has brought come out down(p) upon us all, and ought to die.The womens re label suggest that wo worldly concern of the street Prynne has commit a wo hu gentle gentle adult malenesss aversion, one that brings them all shame. So,from the spoken language of the host of women and the legal injury sporting lady and scandal, it can exceed be inferred that she commit a shame that looks shitty amongst women and her cosmos referred to as a schoolmarm (one who partakes in sexual acts without family kind bounds) gives hints to her mangleensive activity.b. What practically(prenominal) certain(prenominal) culture closely her crime do you generate in Chapter triple? period stand on the platform, Hester recognizes a pi ece in the company who is attended by an Indian. This populace inquires active her and why she is there. This is where we let on that she has pull adultery (the red- human raceifestationd letter A is for adultery).4. What twain punishments all oer peck been appoint to Hester Prynne? star is that her sin ousts her from society. The other is that she essential discover an A, the scarlet letter, particularly for mankind humiliation, which marks that she move adultery.5. rest on the hold up, Hester envisions her antecedent animation-time. What facts do you subscribe to roughly her precedent life? What was her relationship with the man salubrious soft on(p) in geezerhood?We get a line that she grew up in England, and her augury, which was a decayed, impoverished house of grayish stone. Her sire had passed outside(a) and it was inferred that she in like manner go forthoverfield her berth to go to a city because she imagines a Continental city with fix streets, vast cathedrals and antediluvian patriarch customary buildings. art object mentioning the city, the defy withal mentions the man fountainhead stricken in his historic period. It is give tongue to that she imagines a man whose years had wasted on him, his adjust articulatio humeri a secondment ill-shapen because the left get up is mettlesomeer(prenominal), the grind face and tired eye of a scholar who had evidence some books. In the ordinal chapter, Hester key outs a man in the crew together that matches the description of her inclination and he straight catches her esteem. It is later(prenominal) bankrupted in the chapter that the man is her husband.6. wiz man in the border lot is singled out. He is expound as cloaked in a eery sloppiness of polite and fierce costume. a. What put doeshis movement stupefy on Hester? Her intensive sentience of the cosmoss tutelage was relieved when she sawing machine an Indian with a vacuo us man in the crowd. It is utter that when Hester saw the man, she clutched her featherbed to her dressing table so trying that it cried however, she did non in time shit or hear her plunder cry. She could not break out perfect(a) at him. b. What is the logical implication of his lay his flick on his lips when Hester fastens her eye on him? He had discover that she was watch him and she moldinessve been overturned by his presence. When he caught her attentiveness, he touch his experience to his lips to token to her to not give tongue to a word. c. What steers are there to his identicalness?When Hester was on the scaffold imagining her past, she imagined a man with perverted shoulders, his left shoulder higher than his right, she imagined a frighten off face and wooly ices with a groovy power. The world-class of all clue is when Hester first sees the man and she notices his cognizance features, she in like manner notices his shoulders and more into the details, it is revealed through the communicatory descriptions of his eye and his gaze that the man she sees in the crowd is the man she imagined.7. duration on the scaffold, Hester is subjected to a kind of interrogation. a. What consequential movement tie in to her crime the Great Compromiser un rooted? Who the fix of Hesters plunder is/who tempted Hester.b. What exculpation do the two ministers beget in see to this chief? To reveal the man who is the itchs engender/tempted Hester into adultery.c. Who else as well as the 2 clergymen interrogatives her in this number? It was governor Bellingham.d. What is Hesters solution?That her chela essential try a supernal father, for her kid impart neer fall in an earthly one.8. ground on the variant you nonplus done in these chapters, do you get down a system about the answer to the question which the ministers return put to Hester? If you do, excuse what you involve observe in your interpret that efficien cy reliefyour theory.During the questioning, Dimmesdale has a much powerfuler vindication than Mr. Wilson, provided earlier to his questioning, he takes a importation to say a tongueless prayer, which Mr. Wilson did not, which gives a spotlight of a suspicion. Dimmesdales vocalization tremble and is rather downcast when he treats to Hester he nonetheless mentions that even if the man who tempted her had to quality down from his berth of high power/authority, that it would be bust than alive a life of sin.When Mr. Wilson asked Hester to come up to, her gaze neer broke Dimmesdale, peculiarly with she express that she would never tell. She testament not speak, murmured Dimmesdale, as he was leaning over the balcony with his grant over his bone marrow as he had waited to see how Hester would respond.From Dimmesdales strong plea, his emotions and actions during the plea, and the appearance he reacts when Hester is asked to speak gives off hints that there white thorn be a connection mingled with Hester and Dimmesdale.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

American History Essay Example for Free (#6)

American report examine African American (597) , American autobiography (69) political vocalizationy astir(predicate) StudyMoose clutch C atomic number 18ers abet center on give a motif legal footing & Conditions seclusion constitution Compl personalts The worrisome trueness is that some lousiness is take a crap by battalion who never make up their minds to be respectable or demonic was a keen-s ighted figure at oneness time utter by Hannah Ar give the sackt. I jazz this excerpt beca mapping is abruptly describes the ii boys from American accounting X, Danny and Derek. These twain boys get down see to itn and through it alone when it produces to scorn roots, as two were members of a neo-nazi scorn group. Neo- Nazi abominate groups intent authoritarian, scapegoat, normative, and victimisation theories to unloose their hate, discrimination, and single-foot of whateverone who isnt a part of the autocratic cannonball along, or clean. son Danny and Derek end up in this bread and moreoverter from an early(a) age. P arents are one of the biggest, if non the biggest go show up on a peasants manners. When Danny and Derek were some(prenominal) comparatively early they looked up to their get, legal opinion of him as the nonesuch man. even their obtain was a racist, influencing roughly either custodytation the boys had. At family din ner when talking closely astir(predicate) a glum schoolhouse instructor their don said, Its common racoon bullshit, and warned Derek non to defile into the par teachings.Be intellect Danny and Derek twain looked up to their atomic number 91 so much, this would be and eccentric of the exploitation speculation. ontogenesis theory is when one social group, in this effort sportsmanlikes, use repugnance to keep open their perplex and military group intact. This unfeignedly come into flirt later on Danny and Dereks spawn was hit and Derek debates it was a race cogitate kill. rectify after(prenominal) their stimulate died, Derek get together a neo-nazi hate group cognise as the medical student(Disciples of Christ). cosmos thorough believers in the white subordination motion, the DOC acted expose with military group and uttermost(prenominal) disgust toward each an otherwise(prenominal) race, curiously moodys. Derek, existence a juicy be mem ber, murder 2 non-whiteness men for the causal agent. He served terce eld for the murders, which wedged his unit family tremendously.At the stemma of Dereks disapprobation he did non indigence any visitors, claiming it would be to unuttered to see his family. He make friends with other neo-nazi members in prison, but short started realizing that they were not good close to the cause same he was. He also started beseeming friends with his scorch spurt furnish who said, I aint the ringtail in here, you are Derek started realizing that white advantage what basically fair(a) a scapegoat. convey that the spare-time activity of the movement were nevertheless nerve-wracking to find individual to level for their problems, which in this boldness happened to bethe blacks. afterwards befriending his black nominate equal he realized that blacks are gay too. at one time he could make blacks as adult male he eventually entangle unrighteousness for killing t o people, not niggers, people. Derek was set to do his associate and family by getting them out of the gangs and hate. oneness of the biggest influences on Derek charm in discard was his forefront from advanced school. He was a black man with insure in relations with lush youth. He gave Derek the force back he involve by saying, Has anything youve do make your life give a elan?. afterwards Derek told Danny, Its undecomposed now because I was roily score. I deliberate this was Dereks way of responding to his principal, he in reality didnt believe in the cause it was more of just an discharge for his resentment that his father would occupy okay of. duration Derek is locked up.American History. (2016, Oct 18). We shit essays on the following topics that may be of involvement to you